David Haller Tribute Page

Obituary | Recordings | Videos | Throne

This page is a tribute to David Haller, who died on November 27, 2020 of COVID-19. Links to his obituary, and to listen to and download some of his recordings, or watch videos of his performances, can be found above.

This is a story from David's brother Ben, and is part of a piece Ben wrote for David's memorial service. The photos are also Ben's; click on them for high resolution versions.

David flew to Los Angeles. We were going to work the Telluride Bluegrass Festival. Sitting in a sunny café, we chatted with Paul Oscher, harmonica player for Muddy Waters. In the middle of his telling us a story about Solomon Burke wanting a throne on stage, my phone rang. It was Skip the stage manager "We have a problem with Solomon Burke...." I laughed, grasping the magic, I said "Yeah, we've got it covered.... he wants a throne!" Skip's still shaking his head! A week later, standing in a puddle of melting snow on the edge of a road made of gravel from abandoned gold mines, David did his magic. With borrowed tools and a dimestore hammer, he built a handsome throne out of scrounged local rough sawn cedar. Solomon loved it and did a great show.

David did his magic for us. It's now up to us to magic on...

A cedar throne with red fabric on a stage, with a drumset behind it and speakers and cables in front of it.
Two men sitting on the throne backstage.
Solomon Burke performing while seated on the throne, flanked by his band.
David sitting on the throne on-stage.